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Part 0
San Luis Reservoir, O'Neill Forebay Windsurfing

sanluis1 The forebay and aqueduct in the foreground, and the main reservoir beyond.

The forebay and aqueduct in the foreground, and the main reservoir beyond.

P9192889 Moho parked at the visitor center for the main reservoir

Moho parked at the visitor center for the main reservoir

P9192892 A bit of rain left behind some strikingly golden-hued scenery

A bit of rain left behind some strikingly golden-hued scenery

P9192895 Debbie disrupts the mirror-smooth lake by tossing in a rock

Debbie disrupts the mirror-smooth lake by tossing in a rock

P9202918 A pretty white bird ponders its reflection

A pretty white bird ponders its reflection

P9222936 A squadron of ducklings paddles past

A squadron of ducklings paddles past

P9202919 Another white bird reflects

Another white bird reflects

P9202926 Overlooking the O'Neill Forebay

Overlooking the O'Neill Forebay

P9202923 Picnic table shelter makes a nice drying area for wetsuits

Picnic table shelter makes a nice drying area for wetsuits

P9202930 Camped mere steps from the water (and weeds!)

Camped mere steps from the water (and weeds!)

P9202931 Ready to sail (note whitecaps in the distance)

Ready to sail (note whitecaps in the distance)

This photo gallery is associated with the DEBCAR RV travel website at www.debcar.com